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Arm lift

Brachioplasty is an operation to treat flaccidity and excess fat on the inside of the arms. Over the years or after losing a lot of weight, the skin of the arms can give an appearance of flaccidity.

Brachioplasty before
Brachioplasty after

The skin of this area has several problems; It is extremely thin, has little elasticity and is not exactly vulnerable to exercise. Therefore, the last alternative available to correct the flaccidity of this area is brachioplasty, which removes excess skin and fat to restore the shape of the arm.

This surgery has several modalities which differ according to the type of incision that is made. The selection of the type of incision will depend on the amount of excess skin and accumulated fat that the patient has. It must be taken into account that the length of the incision is proportional to the amount of loose skin that exists. That is, the more loose skin the longer the incision will be.

Brachioplasty is commonly performed under general anesthesia. During the procedure the excess skin is removed using a delicate dissection to avoid injuring the vessels and nerves of the arm. In cases involving liposuction, small cannulas are used to aspirate fat.

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