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Neck lift

Cervicoplasty, also known as neck lift, is aimed at lifting and correcting loose skin that has accumulated under the jaw and also affects the dermis of the neck. By lifting this skin the mandibular contour is redefined, the neck regains its youthful appearance and the descent of other tissues is avoided.

Cervicoplasty before
Cervicoplasty after

Natural aging, weight loss or genetics also cause flaccidity and excess of fat in this area of the body, generating a lack of definition between the chin and the neck, also producing an aging effect in the body. face.

Through neck surgery, excess fat and skin are removed, improving the muscular plane, thus obtaining a well defined neck, thinner and youthful.

Cervicoplasty is performed under local or general anesthesia. Any excess fat is removed and the cutaneous muscle of the neck is adjusted.

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