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Liposuction, liposculpture, lipolaser, vibrolipo

Suction assisted lipectomy

Liposuction is a surgical technique that is used in cosmetic surgery and that allows a remodeling of the silhouette through the extraction of fat or adipose tissue from various body sites using a cannula or syringe connected to a suction machine.

Liposuction Liposculpture before
Liposuction Liposculpture after

Liposuction should not be considered as a cure for obesity, but as a cosmetic surgery that can remove accumulated fat that is found in unwanted places.

Liposuction allows the possibility of replacing part of the superfluous fat extracted as a graft. That is to say, the extracted fat is re-infiltrated in other body areas to give them better volume and shape for aesthetic purposes, with which we speak of liposculpture.

The results will be more visible as the months go by, since the loss of volume and the remodeling of the skin are produced continuously and progressively, achieving a remarkable improvement of the body line and a more harmonious silhouette.

Aspiration-assisted laser lipectomy
$1600 - $1800
  • Surgeon's fees
  • Assistants' fees
  • Anesthesiologist's fees
  • Laser equipment
* The price does not include the cost of the surgical center and lodging which can vary from $ 800 to $ 1200 depending on the clinic of choice.
Aspiration-assisted vibratory lipectomy
$1400 - $1600
  • Surgeon's fees
  • Assistants' fees
  • Anesthesiologist's fees
  • Vibro equipment
* The price does not include the cost of the surgical center and lodging which can vary from $ 800 to $ 1200 depending on the clinic of choice.
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