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Plastic surgery of the chin

Mentoplasty is a surgical procedure that seeks through various means to achieve an increase in chin projection.

Mentoplasty before
Mentoplasty after

Chin augmentation is done by means of solid or liquid implants that increase the chin projection and increase the harmony of the face.

The reduction of the chin is done directly on the bone, it consists of doing, by means of an intraoral approach, a cut in the jaw below the roots of the teeth, in order to advance the chin, which is subsequently fixed with osteosynthesis material in the previously planned position.

The presence of a chin that is too withdrawn (hypomentonism) or too prominent (hypermentonism), compared to the rest of the face. However, the final decision will be determined by an individualized study of each patient, according to their facial structure and the degree of affectation generated.

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